Top 5 stationary items for revision!

There are 3 types of learners which are the most common: Visual, auditory and kinaesthetic. My top 5 stationary items can hopefully benefit any learner! 1.Flashcards Flashcards have many benefits. I think I am a mix of a visual and auditory learner. Flashcards can let me see everything in one order and they even help to memorise notes. Such as repeating my notes out loud … Continue reading Top 5 stationary items for revision!

Book Review: The Noughts and Crosses series

The series Noughts and Crosses by Malorie Blackman is thought- provoking as it covers topics racism, politics and prejudice. The idea of coloured people being inferior to whites is flipped. Coloured people (Cross) are of a higher class than colourless people (Noughts). The author Malorie Blackman has brilliant writing and I absolutely love her works! There are four books in total: Noughts and Crosses, Knife … Continue reading Book Review: The Noughts and Crosses series