I’m a bookworm and I’ve mentioned that quite a few times on this blog if you didn’t know already. But, I’m also just a broke student who wants to read enjoyable stories that are cheap. Usually, I look at Amazon EBooks as there is a wide variety of books to choose from. It’s also a bonus that they’re usually under £5. So, I’ve put together a cheap and free kindle books I’d recommend list in hopes to give some recognition to amazing authors and of course to help all of you find relatively cheap books. A lot of these may be fantasy; however there are some which will be contemporary and historical fiction as well. If you’re looking for some fantasy reads then my review on A Court Of Thorns And Roses could be useful!

I actually downloaded the first book for free and the book didn’t disappoint. Although the blurb honestly sounds like your typical, cringe worthy fantasy book where the girl is clueless about everything and suddenly she develops powers, it’s definitely not like that at all. I love how different it is, the author introduced a race of her own and it’s intriguing for sure! All of the characters are well developed and there are spin offs that are also so good as well! I’d recommend it and considering I’ve also reread this series, I would say it’s a good buy. Continue reading “Cheap and Free Kindle Books I’d Recommend”