To get in the spirit of Halloween, I figured recommending some spooky reads whether they are horror or crime would be good! Reading books to get me in the mood for an event always works for me! So to get that spooked feeling I’ve put together some books that I have loved and hopefully you! I’ve recently been trying to switch up the type of genres I read and I have been enjoying horror and crime. There’s nothing better then being in the comfort and safety of your home whilst reading a horror/crime.

And Then There Were None-Agatha Christie
Agatha Christie has so many books that fit the horror/crime genre and is honestly the queen of suspense! This is one of my most recent reads by her. It’s so exhilarating that I don’t see it as a light read. The creepy atmosphere is definitely set on the island as readers uncover secrets of characters haunting pasts. Murder mysteries are enjoyable to unravel and add in some elements of a psychological thriller, I’m in!

The Strange Case Of Dr Jekyll And Hyde
If you’re looking for a well crafted, engaging, creepy and interesting book, this one is for you! The idea of good vs evil was well thought out and the book is quiet complex psychologically. Gothic novels from the Victorian era are always spooky and fear inducing to me, plus there are so many different interpretations people take from them! As it’s a short story, the book isn’t dragged out and is the perfect length to get the right amount of horror and mystery.

13 Minutes
This book is a captivating read and as The Times said it “Mean girls for the Instagram age”. It is a modern YA crime read and although a little predictable at times, the ending was satisfying! All of the characters are flawed and to be honest aren’t really likable but it adds to the dramatic feel of this book! Sarah Pinborough also adds in police reports, newspaper clippings, text messages and doctor reports as well as different narratives. This gives an engaging and thought-provoking story for readers. For more of my thoughts, I’ll have a review within the next few days coming soon.
One Of Us Is Lying
Another teen murder mystery that I’ve enjoyed! I have a full review on this post here. I love how all of the characters are different yet they break stereotypes. The murderer was obvious to me before the reveal, but the book is still enjoyable to read! I love the way all the individual secrets and side stories are pulled together for the big reveal too! All loose ends are tied up to make this book great so I had to include it for this spooky reads post.
There are other classics that are pretty obvious that I’d like to include in this post like Frankenstein or Dracula, but we do have to appreciate some others that may be underrated too! A newly released book called the turn of the key is chilling and perfect for those spooky reads. These books got me in the mood for autumn and definitely Halloween too! Who knows, perhaps you could even dress up as one of these characters for Halloween!
If you have some good horror or crime books you think need to be on the list, let me know as my to be read list can always be a little longer! Share them in the comments below or through social media!