The past month, I was in a reading slump until I finally got to completing a book. In this post I am going to share tips that helped overcome my reading slump as let’s be honest, we all know they aren’t fun.
1. A Different Genre To Cure The Reading Slump
From past reading slumps, I have discovered that they usually come if I’ve been reading the same genre for a while. Changing the genre will most likely get you more interested in the book.This is because it ensures that you won’t find the book predictable. I know if I can’t guess where the plot is heading, I am more intrigued to find out what is to come. For example, fantasy books follow the same general plot. A new world, sometimes magic and races that don’t exist in the human world. Eventually, reading one after another doesn’t become as exciting. Binge reading the same genre is fun, but for me I can end up in a slump after it. If you want a good fantasy read, my review on A Court Of Thorns And Roses may convince you to give it a go.

2. DNF that book
I’m the sort of reader who will want to finish a book, even if they don’t enjoy it. To DNF ( did not finish) a book, it doesn’t make you less of a reader. I would rather prefer reading 5 books in a month, then be stuck at one. Not enjoying a book tends to make you reluctant to pick it up and before you know it, a whole month has passed and you still haven’t finished the book.
3. Fast Paced Book
This may be obvious, but reading a fast paced book helps to get out of a reading slump. When the plot is that good it has you falling out of your seat, or in my case bed, you tend to finish it within a matter of days. The hype from the book makes me want to read another and if it is apart of a series, that’s even better. A series I love is Relentless by Karen Lynch! It’s one I always recommend and I even included it in my Cheap And Free Kindle Books I’d Recommend post!

4. Slow Paced Books = A Definite Reading Slump
Slow paced books are the worst. Especially when you keep reading on in hopes something interesting will happen. In the end, all the excitement is normally rushed and it really is quite a disappointment. A slow paced book will not encourage me to finish it, I probably find it boring and that’s a sign I shouldn’t even finish the book.
5. Watch A Bad Book To Movie Adaptation
Bad books to movie adaptations always get on my nerve, so I end up reading the book as it’s way more satisfying. When movies skip important details or do a not so good at the casting, I know I end up getting so annoyed and frustrated that I just want the real thing which is the book. If not, watching a good adaptation could encourage you to read the original, amazing plot! This actually worked for me and my post on Books To Movie Adaptations I’m A Fan Of could give you a head start.
I hope this blog post was helpful and that you learnt a new tip or two! I’d love to know your thoughts and what your reading experience is like, so feel free to contact me on any of my social medias!
I love your blog! You always post interesting and useful stuff. Have a great day!
Thank you so much for your kind words! Hope you have a great day too!
Definitely agree with the first one! However, I try not to read too many books at once, even if it’s only two, because that makes me feel as if I have to read both ASAP.
I get your reasoning! Sometimes it can become a little too much to keep up with them both! Thank you for reading and commenting 🙂
You’re welcome. Sorry for posting twice! My comment didn’t load the first time 😶
Definitely agree with the first one! However, I try not to read too many books at once, even if it’s only two, because that makes me feel as if I have to read both ASAP. By the way, thanks for following me on Twitter!