I briefly mentioned some new year releases in my last post, a 2020 book guide. In this post, I’m going to give a bit more detail about books that I can’t wait to get my hands on so I can start reading them as soon as possible! Hopefully, you’ll be able to add some of these new year releases to your to be read list too!
New Year Releases
These books that I will mention are going to be released in the first half of 2020.

Chain Of Gold
I love Cassandra Clare’s books so when I heard she had a new one coming soon, I wanted it in that instance! This book is based off the children from the Infernal Devices. You can check my review for them here. I also love how this book is set in Edwardian London, the historical fiction vibes is definitely something I’m a fan of!
House Of Earth And Blood (Crescent City)

Sarah J Maas is a popular author that many readers love! This book is a new series she is starting and I hope it’s good! The cover looks gorgeous too and I much prefer it to her covers of A Court Of Thorns And Roses. You can read my review of this trilogy here. Although it does have a generic fantasy name, I hope that with the mystery of the plot line it will be enough to compensate! Half fae and half humans along with assassins, it seems like we’re in for an interesting book.
Imagine Me
New year releases are exciting. But, I’m so excited for the finale of the shatter me series to be released! The title is intriguing enough and I’m hoping that the final conclusion to end the series will satisfy all of us readers! I’d definitely recommend you check out this series! And plus, the book has a pretty cover so it’ll look amazing on the shelves too!
Harley in the Sky
I absolutely love Akemi Dawn Bowman’s writing! Starfish has been one of my favourite reads this year, my review for it is here. I love how she writes about mental health so freeely and how readers can connect with her characters immediately too. This book is based around the circus and a girl following her dreams, despite her parents saying no. The plot has intrigued me and I can’t wait to read another book by this author.
Hunger Games Prequel
The title and cover has been announced, and I know readers are gonna be in for an emotional rollercoaster of a ride. The Hunger Games has always been on my top favourites list and I still remember the hype years ago when the novels and films were released. I can’t wait for this to come out in May and see what Suzanne Collins comes up with this time.
And that’s a wrap! There are of course a lot more new releases coming out next year, but I thought it would be easier to mention the ones I’m the most hyped about and that are coming out in the first half of the year! I hope these recommendations has given you something to look forward to and that you might even add them on to the to be read list!
Let me know what new releases you’re excited about! Did I mention them in this blog post? I know it can be hard to keep on track with things, especially when this period is so hectic! So be sure to check in with tomorrows blog post as I’ll be offering tips on how to stay sane this Christmas. Also head over to my Instagram where you’ll find what other posts I have scheduled as well as a giveaway!