Feminists Don’t Wear Pink (And Other Lies): Amazing Women on What the F-Word Means to Them: Review

As I’ve said before, this month is all about feminism, women and how great we are. So after putting off reading this book for a while (mainly because I have so many books that I want to read), I finally read it and it has honestly taught me so much. I loved reading what feminism means to amazing women around the world, some of those whom I have admired for their hard work which they offer to the industry.

This book is so inspirational, full of powerful messages and personal essays from women who want to share their own story about what feminism means to them. They are each unique and they all offer a lesson about feminism. This book made me feel so much- I had tears in my eyes and then I find myself angered and soon enough I am giggling at the stories that these amazing women have shared. From teaching men it is okay to be a feminist, from accepting that it doesn’t mean hating the colour pink and from supporting other women and not trying to bring them down, this book offers a lot of wisdom and I’m sure I am not the only one who had a little laugh along the way whilst learning a few facts here and there.

This book taught me that everyone has their own definition of feminism, everyone has been through their own journey and everyone wants to fight the patriarchy. It even includes space at the back of the book to write your own thoughts about what it is like to be a woman living in today’s society and what being a feminist means to you. I will say some points were repeated a few times from other women but then I guess that means we are all on the same page when it comes to some views about feminism.

I read essays, fictional stories, poetry and even the history of feminism and how we managed to get where we are today. Yes, there’s a lot to work on but if we compare what the world is like to a century ago, I can say we have overcome a lot of struggles that were a struggle in the past. Some people may not agree with the layout of this book but I say we all want to be heard and it doesn’t matter what form it is in.

It covers a range of topics all spoken from women with diverse backgrounds. FGM, periods, weight, motherhood, inequality and many more! One of my favourite sections was the Education chapter. There was a lot of statistics included, some that I was shocked to hear. It talked about the action feminism has taken over the years and even studies on the colour pink! It was motivational to read and I am sure it has inspired a lot of women around the world too. I always think to myself, what can I do to show everyone that feminism isn’t a word to be afraid of? But then I realise that even standing up to that one idiot in class who believes women want to take over the world is enough. If I have educated one person in hopes that they will carry on the chain, that is enough for me.

This book is here to tell everyone that they can be who they want to be. It’s thought provoking and it makes me proud of the person I have become. A young feminism hoping that the world may change for the better.

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