I recently started to do my own reading journal which helps me keep on track on how much I have read, my favourite books and more! I used to do bullet journalling, but eventually just gave in to a normal planner. I found that I wasn’t excited to plan weekly spreads, but I loved keeping on track of my reading. Now I much prefer doing a spread solely for books and reading! I figured I would do a blog post on it to share my thoughts and excitement too!

September Habit Tracker For My Reading
The first page of September’s spread is an overview of what I’d like to do a lot of. For example, I want to keep track of how many days I read within the month. I also want to see on which days I read paperbacks and eBooks, so that I have an idea of what I preferred that month! I have colour coordinated each category with a highlighter and added some colour to make it cute!

September To Be Read
This is pretty self explanatory. I have drawn a stack of books and within them are novels I hope to read this month. I might not even stick to it as I am a mood reader but it just gives me an idea for the month. To decorate the book stack, I have just used some felt tips. Around the stack are some stickers I bought from Paperchase! They have a range of stationery that I love and would highly recommend!

Favourite Quotes
A lot of the time when I’m reading I come across these great lines. I always forget to note them down, so I figured having a dedicated section to quotes in my reading journal would help me remember! Some people chose to annotate their books and highlight their quotes, so really the choice is up to you for this spread! I have drawn open books so that I can fill them in.

Favourite Book Of September
This is like a wrap up of the month where I chose one book that I enjoyed the most! I’m not sure whether I’ll find this hard to chose just one as I always find 5 star reads! I like to jot down an overall opinion of the book and add another quote from the book alongside it! Sometimes I’ll print a photo of the book, but more often then not, I get lazy so I tend to write/ sketch out the title.

September Playlist
This doesn’t really have to do with anything with reading, but I love looking back on my favourite songs! Occasionally, I do listen to music and read so some of these songs included might have been inspired by books! I’ve included more stickers and quotes to complement the page!
That was the last of all of the spreads! I hope you found this somewhat interesting or if not let me know if you have a reading journal too! I had a lot of fun creating them and to give you more of an insight, next weeks blog post will be all about the supplies I use for my reading journal! I’d love to hear your thoughts on this post so comment down below or contact me through social media!
I love this. I’ve been thinking of getting a reading journal but you can never get exactly what you want. I love yours 💖
Thank you so much! I felt the same way so I thought it was easier to create my own spread ❤️