one of us is lying, one of us is next, thrillers, karen m mcmanus, book review, book bloggers, goodreads, bookstagram, book twitter

One Of Us Is Next By Karen M. McManus: Book Review

One Of Us Is Next was definitely a book I anticipated for 2020! You can read my review on One Of Us Is Lying, here. Although it is more a spin off then a sequel, so it can be read as a standalone too!


A Truth or Dare app has been created to fill the gossip void since the death of Simon. Phoebe, Maeve and Knox are targets and they can’t count on the police for protection. Although they already have their own family and personal issues, these three work together to find out the culprit. Only it’s a lot more complicated then it seems.

one of us is lying, one of us is next, thrillers, karen m mcmanus, book review, book bloggers, goodreads, bookstagram, book twitter

The Plot of One Of Us Is Next

Although this was a fast paced read, at times events that occurred felt far fetched. I guess you could say that about this whole novel, it’s not exactly normal for a high school to have an app which is basically cyber bullying. Some of the twists were predictable, others were a slight shock! It was only towards the end I got the thriller feelings as one plot twist was let out after another. Overall, I definitely got vibes from the book and movie Nerve.

The Characters Of One Of Us Is Next

What I did enjoy about this book was the dynamics between all of the characters! And of course it was nice to see characters such as Bronwyn, Nate and Cooper back in the scene as supporting characters. It does switch between the POV of Maeve, Knox and Phoebe. A lot of the time if it wasn’t for their inner thoughts, I wouldn’t have known who I was reading about as they all read the same to me. Although the majority of the characters are well developed, it doesn’t change the fact that there were a lot of characters introduced and it was hard to keep track off.

In terms of thrillers, it definitely isn’t the darkest one I have read. The atmosphere and setting is perfect for those of you who are looking to get into YA thrillers!

Conclusion Of One Of Us Is Next

Despite there being a few issues I wasn’t a fan of, I still enjoyed the writing and pacing of this book so I would rate it 3 stars! I know I’m in the minority, so if you’ve read this book I’d love to hear your thoughts! And if you want more of my bookish thoughts and opinions, you can find me over at bookstagram and Twitter!

6 thoughts on “One Of Us Is Next By Karen M. McManus: Book Review

  1. I see this book a lot, but I havent read it yet. I’ve always wanted to though. It’s great to know what you think of it 🙂 i’ve read a few thrillers and some of them are quite predictable, so i’m not surprised that this was somehow predictable too. But still I would love to give this a try! Thank you for the review 🙂

    jillian @ jillian etc.

    1. Thank you! And yeah it’s hard to find thrillers which aren’t predictable but considering this was a YA I still think it was done quite well! I’d love to hear your thoughts if you do read it!

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