sometimes in bath book review by charles nevins, book blogger, bookstagram , historical fiction, memoir

Sometimes In Bath By Charles Nevin: Book Review

Sometimes in Bath is a collection of short stories which shows the history of Bath. At times it felt like fiction, other times it felt like a memoir. Either way, this book was so enjoyable to read!

I’d like to thank Rachel’s Random Resources and the author for providing me this book in exchange for an honest review.

Introduction to Sometimes in Bath

This book offers entertainment whilst providing facts about Bath! I immediately felt welcomed in to the city of Bath with the atmosphere this book creates.

The Plot

Although this book might not be for everyone, I do appreciate the humour slipped between the facts! I myself have never visited Bath, it’s always been a place I would want to visit. Although some short stories piqued my interest more then others, the characters certainly made up for it. They’re well developed and each had a distinguished voice. I appreciate and recognise the research that has gone into this book, especially as after each story there was a section which provides the fact as it separates it from the fiction we have just read. For more knowledge, there is a list filled with websites and books so that readers can learn even more then what we have.


Overall, I’d rate this book 3.5 stars! I’d recommend if you’re looking for a quick read and something which might be a little out of the ordinary genre! My last review is here if you would like to check that out too! And for more bookish opinions and updates, you can find me on bookstagram or Twitter.

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