I’m going to share my favourite games that I love playing with friends and family! These are mainly aimed towards bookworms and movie lovers. But you could honestly play these games with any topic you chose! Games are so fun during Christmas time, everyone has gotten together to spend quality time together. With these games that I’m going to suggest, hopefully everyone will have a fun time together and not let their competitive side take over them. Although, we can’t be so sure of that!

This is a perfect combination for all those book and movie lovers out there! If you aren’t sure what charades is, I’ll give a quick summary! There are usually two teams. Someone from the opposite team will give one person from yours a book, film or TV show to act out. You will then have to guess what title your teammate is acting out! Whoever gets the most right under a certain time limit wins! I hope that wasn’t too confusing! One of the reasons why I love this game is that people can get so frustrated at each other as we aren’t aloud to speak at all!
Story time Games
This is a game that can get pretty funny and weird real quick. To play this game, you each have to write one noun on a slip of paper so that there is enough for every player. You then put the paper in a bowl and pass them out. The aim of the game is to incorporate the word into a made up story under a minute. This is a game that can be played by both adults and children and is really fun too!
Finish The Song
I can’t think of the official name for this game so we’ll just go along with the one I have made up. One person starts off a song lyric, then the opposite team has to start a song with their last used word. For example, if you started ff with “don’t stop me now” the opposite team could start with “now this is the story all about …”. It’s a fun game and people definitely try to catch each other out. This could end up in a lot of, “but google says these are the lyrics”. Nevertheless, this can get nostalgic too! You don’t have to do songs, you could always do your favourite quotes too!

Board Games And Card Games
I could do a whole blog post on this! There are so many board games and card games out there! If you don’t want the evening to end and don’t mind staying all night, Monopoly is good. And there are loads of card games that I love! You could go for classics and play go fish, catching liars in this is hilarious! Or you could go with Uno, people really can play you dirty here.
Whichever game you choose, the company is what makes it the best! These are a few of my favourite games, are they some of yours too? If not, give me some suggestions as I love being introduced to new games! Be sure to check out tomorrows post, my vision board for 2020! It’s going to have some tips on what yours could be like too! And my Instagram too where you’ll find out what some of my other upcoming posts are as well as yesterdays blogmas post too!