As I live in England, it’s pretty much cold all the time. Which means there are a few days where I’m snowbound! If you’re like me, an introvert, then here are some ideas on how to spend your day inside instead of playing with the snow. I know in a lot of countries, it may not even be snowing! But as an unofficial title, this is basically an introverts guide to staying in.

1. Being Snowbound= Enjoy The Weather Inside
So if the weather is too cold to even step outside, there are a ton of winter/Christmas films that include snow! If you’re a Disney fan, the obvious choice would be Frozen. However, if you like some old classics, then Home Alone is another favourite film of mine! I could create a whole list filled with winter themed films and TV shows, but if you’re anything like me (a film junkie) then I think you’re sorted! If not my blogmas day 4 post might be able to help you! Being snowbound can also mean a day to yourself with Netflix too 😉
2. Snack Out
You have a whole day spent inside, what’s better then snacking on food for basically the whole day? Sometimes I have competitions with my family to see who can make the weirdest food with the same ingredients. Or if you actually want to eat edible food, check out this post here which is a baking post inspired by my favourite books and TV shows. Or if you really are that awful at baking, there’s always a make your own gingerbread man kit!
3. Pamper Night In
A snowbound day is the perfect opportunity to have a little self care night in. This could be a completely different meaning for anyone else! For me I like to have some chill music playlists, maybe read a book and put on a face mask and take a 15 minute nap as life can be hard. Honestly whatever relaxes you, do it!

4. To Do Lists
When I get really bored, I start thinking about the future. Then I start thinking about fun plans I can make with friends/ family and then I finally come to a ground breaking question- what am I eating for dinner? However, this really shouldn’t be you too. If you’re stuck on ideas on what to do this December, my blogmas post about bucket list tomorrow should help you out!

And of course there are so many other activities to do! You could read a book and if you need help with that, I have a ton of book recommendations on my blog. There are also Buzzfeed quizzes as who doesn’t like finding out what ice cream flavor they would be? Or you could pretend that you aren’t broke and go on a quick online shopping spree. Perhaps you could go on a binge read with all my blog posts 😉
Whatever you chose to do, I’m sure your boredom won’t be that bad. And if it is then maybe we do need to face the cold outside and play with snow.
I hope you’ve enjoyed reading this post! I didn’t get bored writing it, so hopefully you won’t be bored for your day in! Be sure to read my bucket list post for tomorrows blogmas and check in with my Instagram for my current giveaway!
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