Christmas is just around the corner and stress levels are high. This post will offer tips on how to stay sane and not lose your mind. There are many tasks that have to be completed before the big day and it can be a lot to handle. Everyone just wants the day to be perfect. But it’s also important to look after yourself as this day is for you to have fun too.
The Stay Sane Guide 101
A guide that is here for you when life seems to get a little crazy.

Don’t Overdo it
You might be the sort of person that has a huge to do list and expects it to be completed by the end of the day. Don’t have high expectations, more then likely things don’t go to plan. And it’s okay, life has it’s ups and downs We just have to know how to handle them. So what I would suggest is to create a schedule. Imagine your creating a timetable, but each slots have your intended goal for the day. And of course, schedule a time for chill time. That’s the important part of the day.
Ask For A Favour
Honestly, you don’t have to do everything by yourself. Ask for a helping hand and I’m sure you will get it. It’s December, everyone is in a happy mood. Once you ask for help, some of the weight will be lifted off your shoulder. You might still feel stressed and crazy, but at least you’re not the only one who’s in this position. Cue High School Musical, We’re All In This Together.
Don’t Stress Yourself Out Too Much
Just know that you’ve done the best you could have done. Everyone will be grateful for all the hard work you’ve put in to make this day special. After all, hard work does pay off. I know by me saying this it won’t make a difference until you believe it yourself. So before Christmas day does arrive, appreciate yourself. A little self love never harmed anyone. Just remember you’re not alone. There are a ton of people out there who want to make Christmas day special just as much as you too.
Enjoy The Holiday Season
Remember to just take a breather and look around you. Appreciate this holiday season. Know that you’ve managed to stay sane this far into the month, you can do it! You can carry on as your determination will take you places. Enjoy being with loved ones and spending time with them. Honestly, everyone wants to have a fun time as much as you. So forget about the hundreds of tasks you have on your to do list for a little while and enjoy this December.

I hope these tips are helpful to those who feel a little insane this December! I know there’s a lot to handle, but we can pull through! Even all of those students out there, I feel you. I know the struggle of wanting to revise, but also wanting to enjoy this season. So be sure to check back in with tomorrows blog post, how to manage exams and Christmas! And if you want to know of upcoming posts or previous posts you may have missed, be sure to check out my Instagram too!