With only 10 days left till Christmas, I wanted to share some bookish and blog goals I have for the new year. Although it would be pretty great if I could achieve some of these goals before 2019 ends! By sharing my new years resolutions, I hope it will inspire you to share yours! Plus, I feel like I’m going to have to complete them now that a lot of people know!
Bookish And Blog Resolutions For The New Year
Remember that these are my goals and yours could be totally different! I’m excited to see if I can achieve these, so that when I look at this post within a year I can hopefully be proud of myself!
Bookish Goals

Read 40-50 Books
This year I didn’t have a reading goal, however I’d like to start doing one! I have actually read around 35+ books so I’m hoping this goal will be easily achievable! Although to me, I am setting the bar quite high for myself! I feel like having a goal of reading a certain amount of books will encourage me to pick up a book more often. There are days where I spend more time on my phone then reading and I’d like to change that too!

Read Different Genres And More Diverse Books
I definitely want to explore more genres and see if I find any favourites! I mainly read fantasy, contemporary, mysteries and occasionally historical fiction. But I’ve never really read genres such as horrors and classics. I think with classics I have been a little intimidated by the writing, I always worry if I won’t be able to understand them. However, I think if I try to slowly wean myself into them I might be able to enjoy them. And with horror, I do actually enjoy reading that genre. But it’s never really my first choice and sometimes I can get a little creeped out!
I definitely want to read more diverse books, the goodreads awards included a majority of authors who are white and I really think there are some amazing underrated books out there that deserve to be recognised. Authors, or even coloured protagonists I’m all for discovering some amazing new diverse reads in 2020!
Blog Goals

Grow My Blog And Social Medias
This is the big goal and it does have umbrella goals underneath it! I’d love for more people to be able to find my content and for me to just share what I love doing on my blog and social media accounts to more people! This will take some more hard work from me, but for you guys it means that I’ll be pushing out content that you’ve asked for and to get more involved with what I do! So in a way it’s a goal for all of us and here’s to hoping!
Extra Content
This could mean absolutely anything! I would like to produce more IGTV videos or I’d like to get some more freebies out too! If you all have any ideas or suggestions, let me know your thoughts! As much as I want to get more content out, I still need to learn to balance home life with my blogging too! So fingers crossed!
Those are basically all of my goals! I do have tiny ones that are pretty self explanatory and so I might be posting them either on Twitter or Instagram! Really I just want to achieve these goals and look after myself! If you want the same, then tomorrows blog post will be all about a winter self care/pamper night in! I hope you liked reading what I’d like to achieve and I would love to know what your new years resolutions may be, bookish and blog or not. You can find out more about some upcoming and previous posts by checking my Instagram too!
These are some great resolutions, I hope you’ll do all these things next year! And if you feel intimidated by classics, just start with some that are more readable (I suggest the Brontes) and don’t expect to finish in a couple of days. Good luck!